The Key to Successful Video Content – Impactful Descriptions

by Sankar M | 03 Jun 2024 |

You have been producing quality video content for a long time, but unfortunately, you’re not getting the limelight you deserve, right? Well, you may need to think out of the box and evaluate things thoroughly to devise new strategies to earn more organic views for your videos.The majority of successful video content creators regard descriptions as the most important thing. If you are ignoring them, it may be one of the reasons behind your videos not getting views.

In this blog post, we will talk about the significance of video descriptions and how you can produce impactful ones.

What is a Video Description? Why Do You Need to Pay Attention to It?

As its name suggests, a video description is the written text that explains the video in the best possible way. It may also include additional information not discussed in the video and have reference links or specific phrases to attract a potential audience. A professionally-written video description can prove beneficial in the following ways:

Defining Your Video

A description helps explain your video content to your viewers. It is also analyzed by the algorithms of the video platforms you’re using, which could be YouTube, Vimeo,Dailymotion, Vevo, etc. These algorithms check your description to categorize your video content accordingly. When you don’t have any description explaining your video, you are actually making it hard for these algorithms to define your videos. This may ultimately lead to reduced visibility.

Increasing Engagement

Descriptions can go a long way toward encouraging your viewers to share their views on the topic you’re covering. You can mention additional information sparking new debates, asking for their participation in the comment section. It will help you build an emotional connection with your target audience. Increased viewer engagement levels will give algorithms the impression that your content is helpful and informative.

Using SEO Phrases And Keywords

Unlike bloggers, vloggers have limited space to incorporate SEO-friendly keywords and phrases. They can only use ‘’SEO Wording’’ in their description section. So, descriptions provide you with an opportunity to increase your odds of getting seen or observed by your target audience.

Tips for Writing Effective Video Descriptions

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Now you are familiar with what video descriptions can do for you. However, producing influential descriptions isn’t a child’s play. You will need to put in extra effort to make your video description appealing and reader-friendly. Keeping this in mind, we have put together some useful tips that may be of help to you in crafting impressive video descriptions.

Research Properly And Avoid Keyword Stuffing

First off, don’t hesitate to spend some time researching the topic you’re covering. It will help you explore new aspects that your viewers may find interesting and informative. When your knowledge is accurate, you can write better. Your text shouldn’t look like a bunch of ‘’SEO wording.’’ Only add relevant SEO keywords and avoid using weird ones that don’t make any sense. You will need to maintain a balance so both search engines and readers find it helpful. Not only your viewers will find ‘’Excessive Use of SEO Keywords’’ unhelpful, but search engines also have a strict policy to curb content produced primarily for search engines. For instance, if your video content is about offering ‘’health tips for pet owners,’’ you may want to include the best possible information in the description while using related SEO keywords in an appropriate number. This will help you gather more organic views, improving your visibility in search engines. The internet is full of tools that can help you find the right keywords and phrases relevant to your topic. You may trust Google Trends, Ahrefs, Ubbersugest, and other such tools for your keyword research.

Be Concise

Stay away from adding too much irrelevant information and wording. No one likes to read lengthy stuff. Write your description in a way that is to the point and doesn’t miss any important information. There are many tools out there such as that can offer assistance in adding conciseness to your video description. All you need is to insert the description you think is unnecessarily lengthy into the tool and it will provide you with a concise version in no time.

Don’t Misguide Your Viewers

It has been observed that many video content creators make exaggerated claims in titles and descriptions to attract more views. But, this does more harm than good. Video platforms like YouTube regularly conduct surveys, asking its users to rate videos they have recently watched. If a video receives a lot of negative feedback from users, it means the video isn’t what it’s supposed to be. Such videos soon lose their ranking and visibility on the video-sharing platform. So, write only what makes sense, and there’s no need to add misleading information to create a false sensation. Although it may bring good results for a short time, you will be on the losing side in the end. So, refrain from clickbait titles and descriptions.

Include Relevant Links & CTAs

If you have 10 videos on the same topic, it’s perfectly fine to put links to your old videos in the description. It will help drive more viewers to your videos. They will have the perception that you have covered the topic comprehensively. You may also add other authority links to support your claims. When it comes to link placement, always put such links in the end. Using them at the start isn’t a good practice, as it might distract your followers. Last but not least, be sure to add some CTAs (Call-to-Actions) to encourage your viewers to like and comment on your video, and subscribe to your channel to continue receiving quality video content in the future.


We have discussed what descriptions can do to improve the online visibility of your video content. A well-crafted description can do wonders to increase your likelihood of being seen and noticed by the maximum number of people. By following the above tips, you can write impressive descriptions for your videos.

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