Google Core 2024 Update and its Impact on Video SEO

Google Core 2024 Update and its Impact on Video SEO

by Swapna | 24 Aug 2024 |

Google recently updated their search rules, and it’s made a big difference in how videos rank. 

So, if you still want your videos to show up higher in search results, you need to make some changes to make your video content align with the latest Google Update 2024.

But first, let’s get into how the update affects your SERP ranking.

Google Core 2024 UPdate

Understanding the repercussions

  • Decreased Rankings: Videos that do not align with the update’s guidelines may experience a significant drop in search engine rankings.
  • Reduced Visibility: Lower rankings can lead to decreased visibility for your brand, this resulting in fewer views and engagement.
  • Loss of Traffic: Reduced visibility can translate to a loss of organic traffic, registration and conversions, potentially impacting revenue and brand awareness.

Some noteworthy statistics and trends –

While Google doesn’t release specific data on the impact of algorithm updates, here are some things that industry experts have observed on the new update

  • Increased Focus on Quality: Videos that prioritize high-quality content, user experience, and relevance are more likely to rank well.
  • Shift Towards E-A-T: Google’s emphasis on Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness will have a significant influence on video rankings.
  • Mobile-First Indexing: If you want your videos to be visible to a wider audience, you need to make sure that they are optimized for a mobile viewing experience.

How to stay ahead of the Google Core 2024 Update?

To ensure your videos aren’t affected in the chaos of the new Google Core 2024 update, here are some strategies you might want to consider in light of the Search Engine algorithm update:

  • Focus on creating quality content: Create videos that provide genuine value, address user intent, and offer the viewer exactly what they are looking for.
  • Continuously optimize for keywords: While the approach of how you optimize your content for keywords itself is constantly evolving, incorporating relevant video based SEO keywords into your titles, descriptions, tags, and transcripts will always be important if you want your content to rank high.
  • Don’t ignore technical Video SEO: Optimize video file size, encoding, and playback speed for a comfortable viewing experience for your audience.
  • User experience should be your top priority: At the end of the day, you want your audience to be able to seamlessly view the videos you create. So, ensure your videos are easy to navigate, load quickly, and overall provide a satisfying viewing experience.
  • Optimize for mobile viewing: Optimize your videos for mobile devices to cater to the growing mobile audience.
  • Make the most of backlinks: Build high-quality backlinks from reputable sources to improve your video’s authority and visibility.

Engage with your audience: Comments, likes and shares are all good signals of the relevance of your content. Don’t underestimate the wonders that community engagement can do to your brand.

Where Steve AI comes in

TL;DR – If you want your videos to rank high, they need to have quality content, match the audiences intent, have the right keywords and be optimized for mobile viewing. Steve AI can help you achieve all these things, in minutes. Here’s how we can Steve AI can be of value –

  • Scriptwriting: Creating high-quality video scripts efficiently with our inbuilt script generator. All you need is an idea or a prompt and we’ll write the script for you. Additionally, you have complete creative control in editing the script as per your liking.
  • Video making: From animation, GenAI, live-action or talking head videos, we can help you create professional looking content that attracts audiences attention.
  • Mobile Video Optimization: Making sure your videos are optimized in the right format for different social media platforms is a breeze with Steve, and can be done in just a click.

In Conclusion

To wrap up, by incorporating the strategies we discussed and leveraging tools like Steve AI, you can stay ahead of the curve of the Google Core 2024 update and ensure your videos remain on top of the search rankings.

Why wait? Visit to register and create your first video today.

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