
9 Tips To Write a Guest Blog in 2024

by Sankar M | 18 Jul 2024 |

It can be difficult for a blogger or writer to get their writing seen by lots of people. The problem is that you only have a small group of readers on your own blog. 

So, you can write guest blogs for other popular websites.

When you write for someone else’s blog, their readers will see your writing too. This can help you get more people interested in your work. 

According to a survey, 64.9% of link builders use guest blogging as their link building strategy. However, the average cost of publishing a paid guest post is $77.80.

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Image source: Freepik

Well! In this blog post, I’ll discuss 9 helpful tips for writing great guest blogs in 2024. These tips will make it easier for you to get your writing published on other websites and reach a bigger audience of readers.

Alright, let’s begin!

9 tips to write a perfect guest blog in 2024

Here are the 9 helpful tips that can help you to write a perfect guest post:

1. Do a proper research

One of the most important tips for writing a great guest blog is to do proper research. Before you start writing, you need to understand who will be reading your blog post. 

The stats say that 47% of bloggers are conducting original research.

Find out about the target audience of the blog you want to write for. What kind of people read it? What are they interested in? 

You should also identify keywords that people use to find information related to your blog topic. Look for relevant keywords that get a lot of searches. Use some of these target keywords in your blog post to help people find it easily

2. Create an interesting headline 

Your headline should be clear and easy to understand. Use keywords in your title that can help you to rank higher on Google. If you added your target audience in your headline, it will be a good approach. 

Like for the title, “top 10 marketing strategies.” You can add your target audience in it, like “to 10 marketing strategies for B2C marketers.”

You can get people curious to read more. Use power words that grab attention. You can also add an interesting question in the headline. Like, “how marketing strategies can help B2C marketers.”

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3. Write a strong introduction

You need to write an interesting introduction to grab the reader’s attention. The introduction should make the reader curious and want to keep reading. 

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Image source: Freepik

First, talk about the problem that the reader might have. Explain that your blog post has the solution they are looking for. This will make them excited to read the rest of your writing. 

It’s not easy to write a great introduction. But if you can do it, more people will read your whole blog instead of just passing it quickly. A strong start means readers will stay on the page longer.

4. Create engaging and quality content

When writing a guest blog, it is important to create content that is engaging and helpful. You should share information that will help the readers learn something new or solve a problem. 

As per specialists, posts that are either easy or fairly easy to read make up 62% of high-performing blog posts. This compares with just 24% of low-performing posts.

However, bloggers having formal editorial process are more likely to experience strong results compared to those who don’t 

The content should be well-researched and factual. Use examples and stories to make the information easy to understand. 

Break up the text with headings, bullet points, and images to make it easy to read. 

Ask yourself: “Would I enjoy reading this if I was the reader?” Your goal is to create content that is so good, people will want to share it with their friends and family. 

You can write quality content with an AI paragraph generator to make your readers more interested in you and your work.

5. Mention industry or niche experts in your blog

It’s like having a famous scientist help explain a science concept, people will trust the information more because an expert is backing it up

According to Semrush, of top-performing posts, 5% contain data studies

Mentioning experts can also help bring some of their followers to read your guest blog, meaning more people will see your writing. 

And since experts know a lot about the topic, including their knowledge makes your content higher quality and more interesting to read. 

6. Write for relevant authority sites

When writing a guest blog, it is important to write for websites that are relevant to your topic and are considered authorized

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Image source: Freepik

For example, if you write about technology, you should guest blog for popular technical writing websites instead of websites about other topics like food or sports. 

Writing for relevant sites shows you are an expert on that topic. It is also better to write for big, well-known sites that many people trust and view as authorities. 

Google prefers these authoritative, trustworthy sites when ranking content.

7. Include links to your own website

One of the main reasons to write a guest blog is to get more people to visit your own website. That’s why it’s very important to include a link back to your site in your guest blog post. 

Before you start writing, make sure the website will let you add a link. If they don’t allow any links, it’s probably not worth your time and effort. Some bloggers even use a rewriting tool to adapt their content for different platforms while maintaining their key message and link strategy.

The whole point is to send new readers to check out your website. Add your link that should link back to your homepage or to a specific page on your site that you want people to see. 

Additional info: Content Marketing Trends You Should Know in 2024

8. Consider your anchor text carefully

When you write a guest blog, you may want to include links back to your own website. These links are inserted to special words called “anchor text.” 

The anchor text is the words you click on to go to the link. It’s important to choose good anchor text. The anchor text should match what your website is about

For example, if your website is an AI writing tool, a good anchor text could be “write perfect content” or “write effectively using the AI writing tool.” 

Using words that describe your website helps search engines like Google understand what your site is about. It also helps people reading the guest blog know what to expect when they click the link. 

9. Add attractive visuals

Images, graphs, and infographics make your guest blog more interesting. They catch people’s attention and help explain hard ideas clearly

A survey report says that 74% of bloggers use 1-3 images per post. 2% of bloggers add 10+ images to a typical blog post.

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Image source: Freepik

Colorful visuals also make the words easier to read and understand. Plus, when you add alt tags to these pictures, they might also show up in image searches on Google. That means even more people could find and read your excellent guest post. 

Additional info: AI Marketing Tools That Revolutionize the Content Creation Process

Why write as a guest?

Guest posts help website owners to get visibility on top websites. The process has been working in the SEO industry for a long time and it will continue doing so. But, it isn’t the same as it use to be 10 years back.

These days, more and more publishing websites offer money to post content on their website. This makes it difficult for webmasters to find quality websites on which they can write as a guest.

A lot of people are using guest posting services or marketplaces like fiverr, upwork but it is further recommended to properly audit before writing.

An article on good website can do wonders for your website such as it can:

  • Increase visibility
  • Get some external traffic
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Build trust & authority etc.

Now it’s your turn

Writing a great guest blog can seem hard, but following the tips that I’ve discussed above will make it much easier. By doing them, your wonderful guest blog will reach many new readers. More people will learn about your writing skills and unique ideas. Guest blogging lets you grow your audience and make new connections.

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